Our People

Sparc is the largest and oldest local nonprofit organization in the region working with individuals who have intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families to restore humanity to their daily lives. Sparc accomplishes its mission effectively through programs in concurrence to the unique potential of each individual we support. These programs are designed to build self-confidence and independence so that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities become contributing members of the community. The support services Sparc provides through our programs currently benefit approximately 300 persons with disabilities. We operate 21 Community Integrated Living Arrangements, or group homes, providing 24-hour residential care and supported living. In addition, Sparc provides workforce development and life skills development training, supported and competitive employment, and job placement support to the folks supported by Sparc.

Development Training

Development Training

Sparc's Developmental Training program focuses on the development of daily adaptive living skills and economic self-sufficiency.

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Contractual Employment

Contractual Employment

The Work Center provides work training opportunities to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The program seeks to enhance the people we support and their ability to engage in productive work activities through a focus on cooperation, attendance, productive capacity and task completion. In addition to paid work opportunities, the folks we support will also receive instruction in physical fitness, computer skills, workplace relationships, volunteerism, self-advocacy, personal care and other hobbies.

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Supported Living

Supported Living

Individualized support is provided those receiving supports, who live in their own homes or apartments. This program provides ongoing instruction and oversight in budgeting, shopping, community integration, taking medications, meal planning, public transportation and more. The level and type of assistance is based on individual needs and abilities.

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Job Placement

Job Placement

The Job Placement Program, is open to persons with any type of disability, provides assessment, resume preparation, job seeking skills, individual job development, job leads and placement. Email Jennifer Smith at jsmith@spfldsparc.org

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